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Again and Again Article for Primary Grades


The COVID-19 crisis has forced education systems worldwide to detect alternatives to face-to-face instruction. As a result, online teaching and learning take been used past teachers and students on an unprecedented calibration. Since lockdowns – either massive or localised - may be needed again in the future to respond to new waves of the infection until a vaccine becomes available, it is of utmost importance for governments to identify which policies can maximise the effectiveness of online learning. This policy brief examines the role of students' attitudes towards learning in maximising the potential of online schooling when regular contiguous education cannot have place. Since parents and teachers play a primal function in supporting students to develop these crucial attitudes, particularly in the current situation, targeted policy interventions should exist designed with the aim of reducing the burden on parents and help teachers and schools make the most of digital learning.

Key findings and recommendations:

  • The current COVID-19 crisis has obliged nearly education systems to adopt alternatives to face-to-confront teaching and learning. Many educational activity systems moved activities online, to allow didactics to keep despite school closures.

  • Considering the alternative of no schooling, online schooling has been an important tool to sustain skills development during school closures. That being said, there are nevertheless concerns that online learning may have been a sub-optimal substitute for face-to-face didactics, particularly so in the absence of universal admission to infrastructure (hardware and software) and lack of acceptable preparation among teachers and students for the unique demands that online teaching learning pose.

  • Developing strong attitudes towards learning tin can aid students overcome some of the potential challenges posed by online learning such as, for case, remaining focused during online classes or maintaining sufficient motivation. They are also crucial in supporting students using information and communications engineering science (ICT) finer and making the most of new technologies for learning. Positive attitudes towards learning, self-regulation and intrinsic motivation to learn play an important part in improving functioning at school in general, but may be specially important should online learning continue.

  • Students' attitudes and dispositions are influenced to a great degree past the support they receive from families and teachers and by the office models they are exposed to. Different forms of support from families and teachers, including parental emotional support and instructor enthusiasm, are found to be important for the development of positive attitudes towards learning and can ensure that students acquire the attitudes and dispositions that can maximise their ability to make the most of online learning opportunities. Nevertheless, some families and teachers may struggle to provide such back up - particularly during the COVID-19 crunch - considering of a lack of time, insufficient digital skills or lack of curricular guidelines.

  • Education systems should aim to strengthen engagement betwixt schools and parents in guild to improve information and guidance to parents on constructive practices for supporting their children's learning. At the same time, teachers demand back up to incorporate technology effectively into their education practices and methods and assistance students overcome some of the difficulties that are associated with this form of learning surroundings. Supporting teachers' training about the use of digital resource for pedagogical practice and promoting teaching practices adjusted to this context is cardinal to ensure that ICT is leveraged effectively.

As a response to the COVID-19 crunch, many countries around the earth closed schools, colleges and universities to halt the spread of the virus. According to data from UNESCO, the peak in schoolhouse closures was registered at the beginning of April 2020, when around 1.6 billion learners were affected beyond 194 countries, bookkeeping for more than xc% of total enrolled learners (UNESCO, 2020[1]) . The sudden closure of schools meant that pedagogy policy makers, school principals and teachers had to detect alternatives to face-to-face instruction in order to guarantee children's correct to education. Many systems have adopted online educational activity (and learning) on an unprecedented scale, ofttimes in combination with widespread remote learning materials such every bit boob tube or radio. Until effective vaccines or therapeutics for the novel Coronavirus become available, it is probable that schooling may continue to exist disrupted. Even if the worst example scenario of a 2nd wave of the outbreak were not to materialise, localised and temporary school closures may still be needed to contain transmission of COVID-19. For instance, children coming in contact with infected individuals may be required to cocky-isolate and the lack of adequate spaces for them to attend classes or of qualified educators to be deployed in those circumstances will force sure schools to adopt blended models to guarantee social distancing. This has already been the case, for instance, in Germany, where, merely two weeks later on re-opening, some schools were closed once more over Coronavirus infections. Confronting this uncertain backdrop, it is therefore of import to identify which policies can maximise the effectiveness of online teaching and learning.

In spite of being a desirable option compared to no schooling – which would take caused major interruptions in student learning with possible long-lasting consequences for the afflicted cohorts (Burgess, 2020[2] ; Hanushek and Woessmann, 2020[three]) - the sudden switch to using digital instruction may take led to sub-optimal results if compared to a business organisation as usual in-presence instruction, equally teachers, students and schools all had to unexpectedly adjust to a novel situation. This policy cursory takes stock of some of the difficulties encountered by students, teachers and schools while adapting to online learning in order to sympathise how remote schooling can be improved farther, should online learning become necessary to forbid widespread manual.

The starting time concern which has arisen is that online learning is only available to children that have access to a broadband connexion at habitation that is fast enough to back up online learning. While network operators have mainly been successful to maintain services and efficiently employ pre-existing capacity during phases of lockdown (OECD, 2020[four]) , in that location are still geographical areas and population groups that are underserved, peculiarly in rural and remote areas and among low-income groups. For example, in many OECD countries, fewer than half of rural households are located in areas where fixed broadband at sufficient speeds is available. In add-on, children demand to have access to devices such as computers and the necessary software to participate in online learning activities, which is often a challenge for lower‑income households.

For those students that are continued, the second concern is that certain students have not been able to receive a sufficient number of hours of instruction. For example, in the United Kingdom, 71% of state school children received no or less than one daily online lesson (Greenish, 2020[5]) , while in Germany simply 6% of students had online lessons on a daily basis and more than than half had them less than once a week (Woessmann et al., 2020[6]) . Some economists take estimated that, as a consequence of this, students in the United States will resume their schooling in the autumn of 2020 with roughly seventy% of the learning gains relative to a typical school year on average and that the learning gains might be even smaller in mathematics, amounting to just 50% (Kuhfeld and Tarasawa, 2020[7]) . Information technology is therefore important for educational activity policy-makers to empathize which factors accept prevented certain children from receiving sufficient pedagogy – among them, in addition to the lack of infrastructure, the absenteeism of adequate training in schools and among teachers, equally well as, in some cases, the lack of curriculum guidelines. These elements have as well adamant a dandy variation, beyond schools and countries, in the quality of online learning, raising the concern that disparities in educational outcomes across socioeconomic groups may be reinforced in the absenteeism of corrective measures. For example, in the United States, over i‑third of students accept been completely excluded from online learning, specially in schools with big shares of low-income students, while aristocracy private schools experienced about total omnipresence (The Economist, 2020[viii] ; Khazan, 2020[9]) . Similarly, evidence from England (United Kingdom) suggests that children from amend-off families spent 30% more time on dwelling learning than those from poorer families during the lockdown, and their parents reported feeling more able to support them than socio-economically disadvantaged parents, while students from richer schools had admission to more individualised resource (such as online tutoring or chats with teachers) (IFS, 2020[10]) .

Further concerns relate to the fact that the effectiveness of online learning might have been hindered, in some cases, by the lack of basic digital skills amidst certain students and teachers, making them unprepared to adapt to the new situation so abruptly (OECD, 2020[eleven]) . For case, descriptive evidence based on PISA 2018 shows that at that place were major differences beyond countries and socio-economic groups in the use of technology for schoolwork before the pandemic among 15-year-olds, raising the concern that students who were less experienced might exist those suffering the most from the shock caused by online learning.

Effigy 1. Mean Index of ICT use outside of school for schoolwork, by socio-economic groups

Note: The alphabetize of ICT use outside of schoolhouse for schoolwork measures how frequently students do homework on computers, browse the Net for schoolwork, use eastward-mail for communications related to school, visit the school website, and/or upload or download materials on it. College values of this index correspond to more frequent and more varied uses. Socio-economically disadvantaged/advantaged students are divers equally the students in the lesser/top quartile of the PISA index of socio-economic status.

Source: OECD, PISA 2018 Database.

Figure 1 indicates that, in almost all countries, students from depression socio-economic backgrounds made less frequent use of digital technologies compared to their peers from high socio-economic backgrounds earlier the pandemic in 2018. Disparities were particularly hit in Australia, Mexico, South Korea and the United States. Similar differences are observed between students from public and individual schools, with the latter making more frequent use of digital technologies for schoolwork (OECD, Forthcoming[12]) .

In add-on, some teachers might too have struggled to arrange to online pedagogy so abruptly due to a lack of adequate digital skills, possibly contributing to a slap-up heterogeneity in the quality of online education across schools. An ancestor result in the literature is in fact that the effectiveness of ICT for learning purposes depends considerably on the digital competencies of teachers and on whether technology is incorporated into pedagogical practices (OECD, 2010[13]) in an effective manner (see Box 1).

Box 1. Affect of digital learning on students' functioning: What exercise we know?

While in recent years governments of many countries have been investing increasing resources to raise the availability of digital devices across schools and households, some academic literature has tried to establish the mechanisms through which the employ of digital devices affects students' learning. What has emerged is that but providing access or using digital technologies does non automatically atomic number 82 to better academic results (Escueta et al., 2017[14]) . For instance, Angrist and Lavy (2002[15]) assessed the affect of Israel's Tomorrow-98 programme, which was launched in the mid-90s to provide schools with computers and teachers with training for figurer-aided pedagogy. They certificate a negative relationship betwixt the programme-induced utilise of computers and maths scores. Similar findings come from the evaluation of a Dutch subsidy scheme for computers and software in schools, which had a negative impact on student achievement in language, arithmetic and information processing (Leuven et al., 2007[16]) . Other studies have plant negligible effects of ICT apply. In 2008, a large scale experiment was launched in Italy to provide 156 classes with big grants to buy ICT: despite its huge toll – in the social club of EUR 1 500 per student – the Cl@ssi2.0 programme was found to have only a negligible issue on student achievements (Checchi, Rettore and Girardi, 2015[17]) . Similarly, a field experiment involving the provision of gratuitous computers to depression-income schoolchildren for dwelling house use in the Us state of California did non improve educational outcomes (Fairlie and Robinson, 2013[18]) . Such negative or negligible effects have been mainly attributed to uses of ICT that substitute for more effective traditional instruction (Bulman and Fairlie, 2016[19]) : for example, a report suggests that classroom computers are beneficial to students' achievements when used to look upwards information but detrimental when used to practise skills and procedures (Falck, Mang and Woessmann, 2018[twenty]) . Other studies illustrate that digital tools are beneficial to student learning when they are used to complement traditional teaching, eastward.g. extending report fourth dimension and enhancing pupil motivation (Fleischer, 2012[21] ; Peterson et al., 2018[22])

Based on this cognition, efforts should be fabricated by governments and school principals to support teachers in incorporating online tools effectively into their instruction practices, e.g. by fostering teachers' pedagogies aimed at providing students with guidance and motivation towards active learning (Peterson et al., 2018[22]) . Pedagogical practices should also ensure that the apply of digital technologies and online tools corresponds to learners' needs, prior competencies and digital literacy and teachers should act as mentors to guide students and help them remain focused on the learning elements of tasks (OECD, 2019[23]) .

Nevertheless, constructive pedagogical practices and ease with digital tools are necessary simply non sufficient weather condition to ensure the effectiveness of online teaching and learning. Students' attitudes towards learning are stiff drivers of their academic achievements in regular times. Indeed, these may be crucial in sustaining students' motivation and agile learning in times of home schooling. The following section of this cursory focuses on how the development of positive attitudes towards learning can promote constructive skills development in a digital environment. It also identifies how positive learning attitudes can be best promoted by parental emotional support and teacher enthusiasm.

Positive learning attitudes can improve operation at schoolhouse and help students go along their motivation when schools are closed

Recently, in that location has been increasing attending devoted to sustaining the development of unlike non-cognitive skills amongst students – e.k. personality traits, goals and motivation – since they have been institute to have directly positive effects on several socio-economic outcomes, including wages, schooling and functioning in achievement tests. Prove indicates that these skills are malleable and amenable to policy intervention and classroom practise (Heckman et al., 2014[24]) .

This department will focus on half dozen learning attitudes:

  • students' appetite to learn and understand as much as possible (ambitious learning goals);

  • the relevance students attribute to schoolhouse for their futurity working careers (value of school);

  • the sense of belonging to the schoolhouse community (sense of belonging);

  • students' commitment to piece of work difficult and to meliorate operation (motivation to master tasks);

  • students' power to overcome difficulties on their own (cocky-efficacy);

  • the satisfaction students become from learning and reading (enjoyment of reading).

Evidence from the OECD Skills Outlook 2021 (OECD, Forthcoming[12]) shows that all the above-mentioned attitudes are particularly important for students' success 1 in that they are positively associated to their operation in reading, mathematics and science. While many of these attitudes are adult at early stages of ane's learning path, they are very likely to exist carried over in adulthood, making individuals more resilient to changing societies and more disposed to life-long learning (OECD, Forthcoming[12] ; Tuckett and Field, 2016[25]) . Learning attitudes are non simply innate and their development is highly influenced by schooling, parental care and investments, with high adventure of major inequalities beyond socio-economical groups. Data show, for instance, that in a vast majority of OECD countries, socio-economically advantaged students are significantly more than likely to have ambitious learning goals as compared to disadvantaged students (Figure 2). This somewhen affects also their proficiency and academic functioning.

Figure 2. Hateful value of ambitious learning goals, for advantaged vs. disadvantaged students

Note: Positive values on this scale hateful that the student developed more ambition than the average student across OECD countries. Socio‑economically disadvantaged/advantaged students are divers as the students in the lesser/top quartile of the escs index.

Source: OECD, PISA 2018 Database.

While positive attitudes towards learning are important drivers of students' educational attainments during normal times, they are likely to exist fifty-fifty more of import in the current context, because of the unique challenges posed by online learning: online learning requires students to rely on intrinsic motivation and self-directed learning. Developing strong learning attitudes, for case, is key if pupils are to remain focused and motivated in hard learning environments and could therefore be cardinal to address the principal difficulties that students may run into over again in the near future, if a second wave of school closures were to materialise before the health crisis has been fully addressed.

Figure 3 provides indication of the importance of attitudes for learning when this learning is mediated by digital technologies by comparing the clan between a very frequent utilise of ICT for schoolwork and students' functioning in reading amongst students who are, respectively, in the acme and bottom quartiles of each learning attitude. Results testify that, among students who make a very frequent use of ICT for schoolwork, those with stronger attitudes towards learning achieve significantly college proficiency levels than their peers with less positive attitudes. 2 Further analyses shows that, while positive attitudes tend to benign to students' educational achievements in full general, this positive association is even stronger when restricting the sample to loftier ICT users, suggesting that learning attitudes can be key to incorporate technologies and online tools effectively into learning. When giving closer consideration to the role of dissimilar learning attitudes, data show that students' dispositions to develop ambitious learning goals and to attribute loftier value to school may be particularly important for maximining the effect of online learning. For instance, in Ireland, amidst students making an extensive utilise of ICT for schoolwork, those with strong ambitious learning goals score 32 points more in reading tests compared to their peers lacking ambitious goals. iii

Figure three. Association between learning attitudes and reading functioning among students making intensive apply of ICT outside of school for schoolwork

Annotation: The figure displays the association between high/depression values of learning attitudes and performance in reading amidst students making intensive apply of ICT exterior of school for schoolwork. Bars represent the difference in reading test scores between students in the top vs bottom quartiles of learning attitudes (OECD average). Only students making an extensive use of ICT are considered. Regression controls include: the PISA index of student'due south and school'southward socio-economic status, age, gender, immigration status, dummy variables for attending a individual and a rural school. Regressions are estimated for each of the attitudes separately. State fixed furnishings are included in the regression. Confined with patterns bespeak coefficients that are not statistically meaning at the 5% level. Results hold when calculation controls for students' grade compared to modal grade in the state and blazon of program (general, pre-vocational, vocational).

Source: OECD, PISA 2018 Database.

Attitudes and dispositions toward learning are important drivers of students' educational achievements. In the context of online learning, they can help students to incorporate more efficiently digital technologies and online tools into the learning process.

Families and teachers: Can they provide constructive support to digital learning?

Learning attitudes are rooted in the back up that students receive from teachers and families. Analyses based on PISA 2018 in the OECD Skills Outlook 2021 (OECD, Forthcoming[12]) shed light on the crucial role played past both teacher practices and parental emotional support as important drivers of the development of attitudes. Unlike forms of support can be incentivised and shaped by constructive policy intervention, more often than not, simply even more than so in the extraordinary circumstances related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, it is important to understand which are the nigh suitable forms of support that teachers and families can comprehend to sustain the digital learning process of children.

Effigy 4. Clan of learning attitudes and dissimilar forms of support by parents and teachers

Note: The figure displays the change in each attitude index associated with one-unit of measurement increases in the indexes of parental and teachers' support. Estimates are reported at the OECD average. Regression controls include: the PISA alphabetize of student's and school's socio-economic condition, age, gender, immigration condition, a measure of cognitive ability. Country stock-still furnishings are included in the regression.

Source: OECD, PISA 2018 Database.

Figure 4 shows that students display more positive attitudes and dispositions towards learning when they benefit from more than parental emotional support. 4 Parental emotional support matters for well-nigh attitudes and displays a strong association with students' self-efficacy. More specifically, the forms of emotional support that are found to exist well-nigh beneficial are when parents encourage their children to exist confident and when they support their children's educational efforts and achievements (OECD, Forthcoming[12]) . On the teachers' side, the analysis suggests that instruction environments where teachers are able to convey enthusiasm towards the content of their instruction support the development of positive learning attitudes in students, in particular aggressive learning goals, motivation to master tasks, self-efficacy and enjoyment of reading. The importance of instructor enthusiasm as a driving factor of student learning has been shown extensively in the literature: for case, enthusiastic teachers aid instill in their students positive subject-related melancholia experiences and a sense of the personal importance of the subject (Keller et al., 2014[26]) and they motivate and inspire students, increasing the productive fourth dimension they spend on learning tasks (Keller et al., 2015[27] ; Hoidn and Kärkkäinen, 2014[28] ; Kunter et al., 2013[29]) .

To give an indication of the benefits brought near by parental and teachers' support to students' bookish achievements, Figure five focusing on students making intensive use of ICT exterior of school for schoolwork, compares performance in reading between those who written report to accept received, respectively, very high and very low levels of support v – both from families and from teachers. This bear witness, based on PISA 2018, shows that several forms of back up can be particularly effective in enhancing student learning. For example, among loftier ICT users, pupils who receive very high emotional support from parents or whose teachers are more predisposed to support them and stimulate their reading tend to perform significantly better in all subjects assessed in PISA. Parental emotional support is peculiarly effective: for case, in the Slovak Republic, students who use ICT very often and who receive very high back up from families score on average 23 points more than their peers with less support from families. Receiving strong emotional support from parents is similarly effective in some other countries, such as Republic of austria and Slovenia.

Figure five. Association between students' performance in reading and support from families and teachers among students making intensive use of ICT outside of school for schoolwork

Note: The figure displays the association between high/low levels of support and functioning in reading amidst students making intensive utilise of ICT exterior of schoolhouse for schoolwork. Bars represent the difference in reading examination scores between students in the peak vs bottom quartiles of support from families and teachers (OECD average). Merely students making an all-encompassing use of ICT are considered. Regression controls include: the PISA alphabetize of student's and school'south socio-economic status, historic period, gender, immigration status, dummy variables for attending a private and a rural school. Separate regressions are estimated for each blazon of support, while decision-making for the continuous indices of the others. Country fixed furnishings are included in the regression. Confined with patterns signal coefficients that are not statistically significant at the five% level.

Source: OECD, PISA 2018 Database.

This prove suggests that parents can play a crucial role during habitation schooling such as ensuring that their children follow the curriculum and supporting their children emotionally to sustain their motivation and ambitious goals in a situation where they might easily be discouraged from learning autonomously, also due to the lack of peer effects. Parental interest during this phase could significantly help students to address the main challenges posed by online learning, spurring their active and democratic learning. However, many obstacles may hinder an effective engagement past parents: for instance, they might struggle to engage in their children's schoolwork while combining their task obligations or other family obligations - a challenge that may be especially acute for unmarried parents. Parents might also feel uncapable of supporting them due to lack of digital skills, familiarity with the content of their children's schoolwork or negative attitudes towards the fabric. For instance, differences in educational levels of parents might give rise to further inequalities in educational attainments and this should therefore be of peachy concern for policy-makers. A recent study from kingdom of the netherlands shows, for case, that less educated parents have been less supportive of their children efforts during the lockdown and that this has been partly driven by the fact that they were feeling less capable to help them (Bol, 2020[30]) . Parents with depression education might also hold negative attitudes towards learning themselves, thus underestimating the importance of their support for their children's skill evolution and, as result, assist them less than highly educated parents. Some other business organisation is that gender differences in math attitudes and achievements tin can be worsened during home schooling, when many children are supported mainly by their mothers in their schoolwork (Del Boca et al., 2020[31] ; Farré and González, 2020[32] ; Sevilla and Smith, 2020[33]) . What is known is that many women accept high levels of mathematics anxiety and previous inquiry indicates that girls may be particularly sensitive to internalising mathematics anxiety when exposed to information technology from female adult figures (Beilock et al., 2010[34]) . It is therefore crucial for governments and schools to take firsthand actions in order to tackle these issues and foster parental involvement.

Together with families, teachers play a central function in helping students to make a more than benign use of digital learning. In particular, the near constructive practices relate to how teachers stimulate reading in students (due east.m.  the instructor poses questions that motivate students to participate actively or shows students how the information in texts builds on what they already know) also as more general instructor support (e.g. when the teacher shows involvement in every educatee'due south learning, continues educational activity until all the students understand and provides extra-help when students demand it) and directed-instruction (east.thousand. the teacher sets articulate goals for students' learning, asks questions to check whether students understand the material, presents summary of previous classes at the beginning of each lesson). Similarly to parental emotional back up, these instructor practices tin significantly improve students' functioning at school and might be peculiarly relevant in this context, helping students to remain focused on their learning tasks and to keep their motivation and dispositions to learning. To give an example, in Australia, among students that rely extensively on ICT for schoolwork, those whose teachers are more able to stimulate their reading score on average 17 points more than than their peers with lower support from teachers. Similar results are observed for some other countries, such as Australia and Switzerland.

If learning attitudes are fundamental drivers of students' (online) learning achievements, the principal challenge facing governments is therefore how to promote the development of those attitudes and how to support teachers and parents in strengthening them. Some countries have already implemented policies in this direction. These are discussed in the next department.

Policies to support families and teachers

The assay presented so far has highlighted the importance of both families and teachers in supporting students' learning and motivation, in regular times but even more than so during school closures. It is therefore important for governments to facilitate their constructive engagement. Finding effective means for working parents to provide childcare and support to their children in schoolwork while combining their jobs obligations is an important challenge that many governments are attempting to address. Most OECD countries have already put in place interventions in this direction by extending, for instance, family unit get out opportunities. In Slovenia working parents who are unable to reconcile work and family obligations are entitled to up to 3-months paid go out, paid at 80% of their earnings by the government. Similarly, in Germany parents with children under 12 years of age are entitled to six weeks paid leave, paid at 67% of earnings upwards to a ceiling of EUR ii 016 per month. In the United States, according to the Families Outset Coronavirus Response Act, parents with children under 18 years of age whose school has closed are entitled to up to 12 weeks paid family leave, paid at 2-thirds of earnings, up to a limit of USD 200 per day and USD 12 000 over the elapsing. Other countries have put in place like provisions – eastward.yard. Canada, French republic, Italian republic, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, etc. - and volition go along them whilst schools remain airtight. Measures of this sort are crucial to spur parental involvement in their children'south learning activities while preserving their jobs.

The provision of information to parents on how to finer back up their children'south learning can also improve educational outcomes, both during a lockdown and in normal times. For example, Broad Open School, a web platform created in the United States, offers resource for educators and families for students from preschool to upper secondary instruction. Part of these resources aim to develop disciplinary technical skills also as creativity, critical thinking or social-emotional skills, while other resources back up families, east.g. past helping lower income families get devices and better broadband or by providing them with guidance most social-emotional wellbeing. Beyond offer access to curated resources, the platform as well suggests a daily schedule to assist students and families have a adept remainder of activities (Vincent-Lancrin, 2020[35]) .

Education systems tin can besides aim to strengthen school-parent engagement in order to provide appropriate data and guidance to parents on constructive practices for supporting their children'due south learning. An example from Latvia is the Educational TV Channel Tava Klase, which delivers loftier-quality educational material tailored for different age groups and provides a style for parents to connect with schools (van der Vlies, 2020[36]) . As an indicator of its success, a contempo survey of parents, students and teachers show that at that place is a strong positive association between the clarity of communications between schools and parents, and parents' confidence that their children would attain their learning goals (Burns, 2020[37]) .

Teachers likewise need support to rapidly suit their instruction practices to distance learning, whether regular or ad hoc. In this respect, France has mobilised its network of local digital pedagogy advisers to back up the transition from face-to-face to distant learning. The network of digital instruction advisers has supported both teachers and school principals - past providing them with online training about the availability and apply of digital resources for pedagogical do and by promoting educational activity practices adjusted to educational continuity and progressive school re-opening – and students – by working with local authorities to lend and evangelize computers and learning worksheets to all students (Vincent-Lancrin, 2020[38]) . Other countries have decided to complement schooling resource and teachers' efforts in delivering high-quality online classes by as well providing dwelling schooling broadcast on boob tube or social networks. As an example, in the United Kingdom, the BBC has started to collaborate with teachers and educational experts and provides daily lessons to pupils in year 1 to 10, including videos and interactive activities aimed at keeping up students' motivation and at stimulating their socio-emotional skills (Van Lieshout, 2020[39]) .


The current COVID-19 crunch has forced many countries to close schools, colleges and universities to halt the spread of the virus. Due to the long-lasting negative consequences that school closures would have on skill accumulation, many education systems moved rapidly online on an unprecedented scale. Since lockdowns may be introduced again in the time to come until effective vaccines or therapeutics go bachelor, it is of utmost importance for governments to reverberate on the principal difficulties that students, parents, teachers and school principals have encountered in adapting to this phase of massive online learning and intervene to amend harness the potential of online learning. For example, they should start expand infrastructure, ensuring that nobody is excluded from online lessons, and support students and teachers to use online tools and technologies in an effective manner.

Based on forthcoming analysis in the Skills Outlook 2021, this policy brief illustrates that students' attitudes and dispositions to learning, such as appetite or motivation, are important drivers of their educational achievements and can help ensure that online learning is every bit effective as possible. In addition, this brief showed that families and teachers play a crucial role in guiding children through the challenges of abode learning: parents can provide emotional and learning support to their children, while teachers can human action as mentors, encouraging active learning and motivation and checking that nobody falls behind. Such interventions can considerably contribute to making online learning more than effective. Given the crucial role that families and teachers play in the context of schoolhouse closures, governments can spur their effective appointment past, for example, expanding family unit leave opportunities and by strengthening school-parents advice.


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1 .

Other previous evidence is contained for instance in (Behncke, 2009[41]) , (Heckman, Stixrud and Urzua, 2006[twoscore]) .

2 .

Results concur when accounting for students' grade compared to modal course in the land and type of programme (general, pre-vocational, vocational), mitigating the business that results might be driven by school characteristics.

iii .

Analogous results are found for the other subjects assessed in PISA, i.e. science and mathematics.

4 .

Parental emotional support is an index constructed in PISA grouping the following forms of support embraced by parents: parents support their children's educational efforts and achievements, they back up their children when they are facing difficulties and they encourage them to be confident.

5 .

High and depression levels of support take been defined based on the values taken past the indices of parental emotional support and teacher practices, constructed in PISA. More specifically, students receiving depression/loftier support are those in the bottom/peak quartile of the corresponding index.
