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Kingdom Hearts Ii Meet the Three Girls Again

Hollow Bastion

As they arrive in Hollow Bastion, Sora & company observe that everything looks unlike from the concluding time they visited. Travel down the steps and beyond the market, and and so ascend the stairs on the opposite side. Talk to the Moogles in town; Moogles can synthesize items with various materials, merely you will need to collect the materials used for item synthesis.

<Approach> Uncle Scrooge located about the freezer, beyond from the Moogle. After speaking with him, travel downwardly the nearby steps; Sora has a brief reunion with Yuffie before Nobodies appear effectually them.

Defeat the Nobodies!

Use the <Reversal> reaction command to briefly daze your enemies, so attack with ground combos. After the skirmish, Yuffie informs Sora that everyone is at Merlin'south house; she gives him the Marketplace Map. Open up the treasure breast near Merlin'south front door to receive a Hi-Potion, then enter Merlin's house. After greeting Leon and the crew, they ask Sora & Co. to assist them deal with the Nobodies and Heartless effectually the town. Aerith provides Sora, Donald, and Goofy with Membership Cards, declaring them honorary members of the Hollow Bastion Restoration Committee; Merlin also provides Sora with a magic spell.

Blizzard Chemical element!

The Magic Control has been added. Consume MP from the gauge in the bottom correct to use Magic. Press the L1 button for the shortcut commands. MP is restored at save points and likewise afterward a fixed catamenia of time, even after full consumption.

Salve your progress at the nearby save station and exit Merlin's house. Travel to the right to ascend the nearby stairs and pick upwardly the Tent and AP Heave in treasure chests along the style. As you travel along the high castle wall, pick upwardly the Drive Recovery and Mythril Shard from the nearby treasure chests, so proceed to enter the Bailey in the far corner. As Leon shows Sora a large army of Heartless surrounding a hideous castle in the distance, Sora tells him about Pete and Organization 13. At the mention of the Organization, they hear several voices call out in response.

Party members have been switched.
out donald Donald goofy Goofy

Defeat all the Nobodies while protecting the gates!


The Nobodies volition gravitate toward the gates and will endeavor to attack them. Use ground combos and your newly acquired Blizzard magic to deal damage to the enemies before they reach the gates; Leon will assist you with fighting off the Nobodies, just practise your best to proceed them away from the gates.

Fire Element!

After defeating the Nobodies, several members of Arrangement 13 announced and taunt Sora & Co. from afar. Every bit the black-hooded enemies leave, Sora'south Restoration Commission membership card and the Keyblade begin to glow simultaneously; together, they open up a new pathway betwixt the worlds. After opening the pathway, Sora receives Hole-and-corner Ansem's Report vii.

Twilight Boondocks has become temporarily inaccessible. Utilise the left analog stick to fly the Gummi Transport. Attempt budgeted the door-shaped Gummi Route; when you lot arrive at your destination, press the triangle button to country. You cannot state on worlds not connected by Gummi Routes; you must articulate the Gummi Routes in order to connect the worlds.

Hollow Bastion

- Visit #2 -


Afterwards visiting both the Country of Dragons and Beast's Castle, the gummi ship volition fly back to Hollow Bastion automatically. As they nigh Merlin's House, Sora & Co. meet a group of Heartless fleeing. They enter Merlin'due south house to discover that Merlin himself was the one who summoned them; he happened to stumble across an erstwhile book that Sora might be interested in... Pooh's Storybook! Every bit Merlin goes to summon Leon and the others, Sora decides to visit Pooh. <Examine The Book> to venture into it.

Enter the area in front of you to find Winnie the Pooh sitting on a log. Before approaching Pooh, open up the treasure chests in the area to receive an AP Boost, Mythril Stone, and the Hundred Acre Wood Map. <Greet> Pooh to say how-do-you-do, and he will invite Sora to join him in his "stoutness" exercises. As Pooh jumps off the log, time suddenly stops... every bit he approaches Pooh, Sora is forcefully pulled out of the volume.

As Sora falls out of the book and onto the floor in Merlin's Business firm, he hears Donald call for help outside. As Sora rushes outside to assist, Heartless appear all around the business firm, and a group of Heartless are trying to steal Pooh'due south Storybook!

Defeat the Heartless!

After defeating the Heartless, Sora finds the Pooh's storybook on the ground; the book was damaged during the scuffle, so Sora decides to render to the Hundred Acre Wood to make sure Pooh is alright. When yous return to the book, y'all see that all of the pages are missing, salve one. Enter Pooh Bear's Business firm to find him where he was before. <Greet> him, and he tells Sora he is about to begin his "stoutness" exercises, and that he tin visit later; he addresses Sora as "Somebody-I-Don't-Know." Sora asks Pooh how Piglet is doing, but Pooh claims that he doesn't know anyone by that name. Sora decides to ask Merlin about what might be causing this miracle.

Sora informs Merlin about Pooh forgetting about him and his other friends, and Merlin explains that it has to do with the pages the Heartless stole: you must collect the v torn pages and repair the volume. Merlin then gives Sora the Baseball game Charm.

The Summon Command has been added. When used, the Drive Approximate becomes the Summon Estimate. The summoned graphic symbol is exchanged for the rest of the party. Effort the unlike Commands that appear with each summon.

Hollow Bastion

- Visit #iii -

When you lot go far in the Marketplace, use this opportunity to use the Moogle Shop to synthesize new items. When you're ready to proceed, <Approach> Scrooge and walk towards Cloud. Deject is determined to settle his struggle confronting Sephiroth, then he asks Sora to keep an eye out for Sephiroth. Continue downward the steps to the Borough and into Merlin'due south house (forth the east wall). Cid and Yuffie inform everyone that they've found the computer Ansem was using, which may accept a data regarding the Heartless and Organization 13. Save your progress in Merlin's House, then head over to the castle postern (located through the passage along the northwest wall).

Proceed through the bailey and down the steps into the Restoration Site, then follow the path until y'all reach the Postern. Later on speaking with Aerith, open the chests around the area to obtain an AP Boost, a Mythril Gem, and the Castle Perimeter Map. When you're ready to proceed, follow the steps downwardly into the cooridors.

NEW HEARTLESS: Bookmaster, Armored Knight, Surveillance Robot, Forenoon Star

Equally you travel through the corridors, selection up the How-do-you-do-Potion, Mythril Crystal, Mythril Stone, and AP Heave in chests along the mode. Enter the room in the southern-nearly section of the corridor and open up the big breast nigh the wall to receive the Skill Recipe. <Approach> Leon to accept him open up the way towards Ansem's computer room. Enter the new room to apply Ansem'due south figurer; Sora immediately starts typing in searches for Riku and Kairi, but information technology yields no results. Donald becomes frustrated and smashes the keys; the computer'southward Master Control Programme gives a warning of misuse and Sora & Co. are suddenly transported into the computer.

Hollow Bastion

- Visit #iii: Function Ii -

When Sora & Co. return to the research lab, Leon uses the new countersign to access the DTD. Earlier you return to Tron, open the breast in the hallway between the study and the estimator room to receive the Ukulele Charm. When yous are ready to proceed, employ <Admission Estimator> to brainstorm your search of the DTD. Later on speaking with Male monarch Mickey, a large explosion is felt from inside the research lab; save your progress and exit through the corridors. As Sora & Co. laissez passer through the corridors, they notice Maleficent, every bit she summons Heartless to set on.

Defeat all of the enemies!


Use the <Reversal> and <Rising Dominicus> reaction commands to defeat enemies efficiently. After clearing out the Heartless, Sora & Co. encounter the three fairy-girls again; Donald convinces them with a prevarication to join the fight on Leon's side. Keep through the postern (salvage your progress along the way, if you wish) and travel to the restoration site to find Aerith and Leon.

Defeat all of the Nobodies!


Dancers can be very annoying, especially when they grab onto y'all; however, offensive magic is constructive confronting them. Later on defeating the Nobodies, go along into the area direct in front end of yous to encounter a member of Organization XIII.




Using the <Water Dance> reaction control volition aid tremendously in defeating the water forms (especially during the x-second challenge), and the reaction can stagger Demyx, preventing him from attacking. Employ <Show Stealer> and continue to press the triangle button to temporarily daze him. State combos between his first and 2nd attacks (watch the video for several examples of this manuever). Once yous deplete his HP enough, Demyx will have more attacks that are more difficult to interruption through; it's better to apply your Baby-sit power until Demyx is close enough for a counterattack to make contact. When he use closes in on you while making walls on either side, use baby-sit and follow upward with a combo. Jumping helps in evading Demyx's bubble attacks.

After Demyx'south defeat, Rex Mickey catches up with Sora, Donald, and Goofy. After a tragic plough of events, Goofy is struck with a large bedrock hurled from afar.

Political party members have been switched.
out donald Donald goofy Goofy

Travel through each section and defeat the hordes of Heartless with everyone'southward help. When you reach the fissure, Goofy rejoins the party.

Party members have been switched.
in donald Donald goofy Goofy

Cure Element!

While in the Crystal Fissure, save your progress and open the nearby treasure chests to receive an Elixir, Torn Pages, and the Great Maw Map. Earlier you lot go along into the side by side area, enter the carte and turn Goofy's abilities on again; they were automatically disequipped during his temporary absence. When you are ready to proceed, enter the next expanse (towards the castle in the distance).

Defeat all of the enemies!

Guard Suspension!

Use the <Rising Run> reaction command and the <Snag> - <Sparkle Ray> reaction combo to clear out many Heartless at once; the challenge is completed when you lot defeat 1000 Heartless. This battle is a corking opportunity to level up your Limit Form; allow the Heartless to hit y'all to replenish massive amounts of MP, allowing you to utilize many Limits (and, therefore, gain experience for the Form). After several events, you receive Water ice Cream, Picture, and Hugger-mugger Ansem'southward Written report 1.

Hollow Bastion

- Visit #4 -

As Sora & Co. enter the market place, they notice the Heartless running amok, and the boondocks'south defense organization has gone haywire. Walk beyond the market place and <Approach> Scrooge McDuck, and then travel through the Borough to detect digital Heartless running rampant.

Defeat the Heartless!

NEW HEARTLESS: Magnum Loader

After clearing the area of Heartless, Yuffie invites everyone into Merlin's firm. Cid explains that the MCP is backside the Heartless influx, equally well equally the altered defense system. Save your progress in Merlin's House and head for Ansem's Study; go through the Bailey, take the right path to the Restoration Site, then travel to the Postern). While at the Postern, <Approach> the three fairy girls to receive the Dupe Fly keychain, and so continue through the Corridors into Ansem'due south Study.

Sora & Co. will find Leon and Aeris defending the reckoner room. Leon asks Sora to tell Tron to meet him in the I/O Tower, where they will upload the MCP Eradication Plan. Sora receives the Sleeping Panthera leo keychain from Leon. Approach the computer and use the <Access Computer> reaction command to enter the Pit Prison cell.

SIDE-QUEST: I Winged Angel - Sephiroth

Later the storyline events in Radiant Garden are completed, you will detect Cloud near the edge of the Marketplace; <Approach> Cloud to begin speaking with him. Subsequently Aerith speaks with him, travel through the Nifty Maw (where the battle of 1000 Heartless occurs), save your game at the save station along the style, and reach the Nighttime Depths (where Xemnas is first encountered). <Approach> Sephiroth to begin the battle against him.




Always begin by pressing the triangle push button to utilise the reaction command that parries his multi-hit assault. Employ Guard to parry his sword swings, then counterattack with 2 combos. If Sephiroth rises into the sky and says "Descend, Heartless Angel," immediately close in and assault Sephiroth; otherwise, y'all'll be left with 1HP. Use evasive maneuvers and quick strikes to accept Sephiroth down. It's recommended that y'all are LV 60 or higher.

Advantage: Sora receives the Fenrir keychain


SIDE-QUEST: Mushroom Xiii - No. 9

No. nine of the Mushroom Xiii is located in the Castle Gate (where Demyx meets his stop). In order to satisfy this mushroom, you must go on the mushroom spinning for as long as possible. In order to articulate the challenge (75 or more points), you lot should have either the Berserk Charge power or the Fatal Crest keychain equipped (and have all MP restoration abilities un-equipped).

When the challenge begins, immediately use Cure, lock-on to the mushroom, jump and utilise the Horizonal Slash ability (by pressing the square button) continuously. If done correctly, this method should allow you to reach 99 hits without much effort.


SIDE-QUEST: Mushroom Xiii - No. 13

No. 13 of the Mushroom Xiii is located in the Neat Maw (where the Battle of thou Heartess occurs). In order to satisfy the final mushroom, you must have satisfied all other mushrooms. If all other mushrooms have had their challenges cleared, Mushroom No. 13 volition award Sora the Winner's Proof keychain and the Proof of Peace (granting Sora a crown or crown upgrade).

SIDE-QUEST: Cavern of RemembranceFM

During the events that occur on Sora's third visit to Hollow Breastwork, a newly accessible cave tin can be establish in the Restoration Site. This opening in the castle wall leads to the Cave of Remembrance, filled with rare items, powerful enemies, and the last remaining puzzle pieces for Jiminy's Journal. Each surface area requires a LV iii growth ability to be equipped in lodge to surmount the obstacles and go along deeper into the cave:

DEPTHS: High Jump LV3 is required to go along into the next area. The Depths is full of powerful Heartless, consisting of palette-swapped versions of previously encountered Heartless. Open up the treasure chests on the various platforms to receive a Frost Crystal, Power Crystal, Remembrance Gem, Manifest Illusion, and AP Boost x2.

MINESHAFT (Role I): Quick Run LV3 is required to proceed into the adjacent area. Open up the large chest nigh the far wall to receive the Latening Remembrance Map. An AP Heave is institute in a breast near the bluish orbs. As y'all arroyo the white door leading to the next area, a grouping of Heartless will ambush yous; it'southward recommended to utilize Wisdom Grade and magic to defeat these enemies, as most are susceptible to magic. Before proceeding through the white door, travel through the minor cave in the left wall (just after the pipe); follow the cave until you reach the room with three geared contraptions. You must deplete the HP of all three contraptions at the same time (the Explosion ability or Principal Form will piece of work). When y'all've successfully started the automobile, return to the Mineshaft and travel through the large white door.

MINING Area: High Jump LV3 is required to proceed into the next area. With the contraptions activated, diverse platforms will move and let yous to accomplish the side by side area high above. There are also whirlwind generators that allow yous to reach very high ledges. Open the treasure chests on nearby and far-abroad ledges to receive Tranquillity Gem x2, Serenity Crystal, Manifest Illusion, an AP Boost, and the Crawling Remembrance Map.

MINESHAFT (Function 2): Aerial Dodge LV3 is required to proceed into the next area. Open the large chest most the east wall to receive a Power Boost. To attain the other side of the area, yous must time your jump and aerial contrivance to dip nether the metal piping blocking your path. Upon reaching the other side, Heartless ambush yous; apply defensive maneuvers, Magnet magic, and Reflect magic to defeat surrounding enemies.

ENGINE Sleeping accommodation Several maxed out Growth Abilities are recommended to traverse this area, as there are hard obstacles and moving platforms to maneuver. Big and powerful Heartless ambush yous on these moving platforms, making this area even more difficult to get through. Make utilize of Reflect magic when enemies are closing in to attack. The door to the adjacent area is high up on a ledge, requiring y'all to traverse the conveyor belts and steam-spewing pipes. Open the treasure chests on nearby and far-abroad ledges to receive a Serenity Crystal, Remembrance Crystal, Manifest Illusion, and an AP Heave.

MINESHAFT (PART III): Glide LV3 is required to proceed into the next area. Open the large chest in the corner to receive a Magic Boost. After gliding over the pipage to the other side of the surface area, open the small-scale chest in the corner to receive an AP Boost, so proceed through the large white door.

Ship TO REMEMBRANCE: Various waves of extremely powerful Nobodies are placed in each length of the Castle Oblivion-esque hallways. Fight conservatively; use Bulldoze Forms to furnish your HP and deal heavier damage (Last Course seems to assist here). Push through the hallways until you reach the other stop. After defeating several waves of Sorcerers, Dancers, and Berserkers, y'all volition be able to travel through the big white doors and into...

SIDE-QUEST: Garden of Aggregation & Data BattlesFM

Subsequently traversing the entirety of the Cave of Remembrance, the Garden of Assemblage becomes accessible. This area houses portals that pb to replicas of each Organization XIII fellow member in information form. Each portal becomes available to you when the real counterpart is vanquished during story events, or (in the event they were vanquished before the events of Kingdom Hearts II) their Absent Silhouette is defeated. Defeating all 13 data battles will grant you lot the Non-Existent Proof (granting Sora a crown or crown upgrade). These data boss fights are extremely difficult, requiring near-maximum level, high stats, many support abilities, in addition to practise, patience, and (sometimes) a bit of luck.


No. I - Xemnas


The data boxing against Xemnas consists of two separate fights. The first fight occurs with Sora lonely at Memory's Skyscraper. This fight has no singled-out differences from the same battle during the storyline, except that Xemnas deals a lot more than damage with each attack. The Baby-sit ability and Reflect magic are essential to fugitive damage and reaching a quick victory. Additional information regarding this fight tin can be found here.

After clearing the showtime fight, Riku will join your party and the principal carte will be accessible. Ensure that you lot equip as many Ethers every bit possible and have the Session limit equipped on Riku. The 2d fight occurs at Memory'south Contortion. Every bit with the previous battle, Xemnas' repetoire of attacks is the same, only much more powerful. I've found that the following method efficient in defeating Xemnas without taking harm: When the fight begins, Xemnas will throw homing orbs of energy; Quick Run side by side to Xemnas and use Reflect magic to deplete most 2 or 3 HP confined. Before Xemnas can throw you into the air, utilise the Session limit (information technology will give yous invulnerability while the limit is in progress). During the 2d stage of the limit, use an Ether to furnish your MP. Complete the limit, activate Session again, and repeat until Xemnas uses his final attack (mash x and triangle until the lasers disappear, then movement in to bargain the finishing accident).

Reward: Power Heave


No. 2 - Xigbar


The data boxing confronting Xigbar matches your final fight with him in The World That Never Was, except that his bullets fly faster and deal more damage. The Baby-sit ability and Reflect magic will permit you to parry Xigbar's bullets and send them back at him (as long as you lot are locked-on). When Xigbar is in his sniper position, run around the field to avoid his shots until you run into a reaction command. After using <Pause>, follow up with <Warp Snipe> to damage him.

Finding an opportunity to land aerial combos on Xigbar can be difficult, but keep an eye on his weapons; if they spin in the air for a while, do your all-time to close in and land some hits. When Xigbar transports y'all to a small platform to use his desperation motility, use evasive maneuvers to avoid taking damage (note: his final bullet barrage seems to be a bit faster this time, and so Dodge Roll may help). E'er keep your eyes on Xigbar and requite yourself enough room to counter his sniper shots.

REWARD: Defence Boost


No. Iii - Xaldin


Xaldin's data boxing may be one of the near difficult to achieve victory for, equally he surrounds himself with a shield of wind that can merely be penetrated by using the <Jump> reaction command. Beginning the fight by using Guard three times to parry his wind cannon attacks. Always expect for Xaldin to come to you; nigh of his attacks requite you enough time to act accordingly. Afterward guarding or evading Xaldin's spear-based attacks, look for your opportunity to utilize <Learn> (press triangle repeatedly to stock up to 9 Jump attacks). Use <Leap> equally many times as you have it stocked, then follow up with One complete aerial combo.

When Xaldin shoots up into the air, use Glide to avoid his pillar attacks, and so press triangle repeatedly to stock up to nine Bound attacks. When the spears brainstorm to encircle you, use Reverberate magic to avoid harm from Xaldin's terminal dive, and then unleash your Jump attacks. Y'all tin can Glide to the other side of the bridge to avoid Xaldin's large light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. When Xaldin begins to teleport, use Magnet magic to stagger him briefly.

Reward: Defence force Heave


No. Iv - Vexen


Vexen's data battle turns out to be a very fast fight, one time an effective strategy has been established. As the fight begins, movement forward and close the distance between you and Vexen; employ Reflect magic to parry Vexen's attack and break his shield (if the shield does not pause afterwards Reflect wears off, keep striking the shield until it breaks). In one case his shield is broken, Vexen is left open to attacks. At this point, drive into Terminal Form and utilize Burn magic on Vexen relentlessly until he re-generates his shield.

All of the aforementioned rules utilize from Vexen's absent-minded silhouette boxing. However, the Data-Sora's that Vexen creates are much more than powerful; keep moving around to avoid being under the information-circle that follows yous on the ground. If the information level reaches LV v, the battle becomes much more difficult. Activating Limit Grade to heal and use limits during Vexen's icicle attacks is very constructive. Try to keep Vexen'south shield downwardly every bit much as possible; having the Bond of Flame keychain equipped to Last Course volition aid deal fire impairment. If the Information-Sora is as well close, use Thunder magic on it to deal heavy damage and stagger it. Defeating Vexen will reward you lot with a.

Advantage: Lost Illusion


No. V - Lexaeus


The data battle confronting Lexaeus matches the absent silhouette boxing with him in Twilight Town, except that he'southward much more than powerful and has a higher threshold for impairment. While Sora is in very shut range to Lexaeus, he volition frequently swing his tomahawk in a low arc along the basis; utilise Guard to parry this assail, as it volition brand the <Mega Impact> reaction command available. Performing this reacion command volition allow Sora to take Lexaeus's current power level and use it to stagger him, allowing y'all to deal a few ground-to-aeriform combos. Endeavor to keep as close to Lexaeus equally possible in order to exist best prepared for the reaction command.

Driving into Limit Form will permit you to quickly heal and auto-parry a few attacks; the limits available in this form will assist bargain impairment from distant too. Lexaeus will sometimes phone call forth 3 pillars of earth; use Contrivance Scroll or Aerial Recovery to minimize impairment. If you see Lexaeus spin around most Sora, utilise Quick Run to put distance between y'all and Lexaeus, as he is about to deal a powerful attack that cannot be avoided. Lexaeus's terminal motion of desperation is to go out the battle area and come crashing down on all sides; use Quick Run the moment Lexaeus reaches the platform to avoid harm, then follow upwards with Reflect magic to parry the earth fissures.

Advantage: Lost Illusion


No. VI - Zexion


The information battle against Zexion matches the absent-minded silhouette battle with him in Olympus Coliseum, except that he's much more powerful and may push yous into his Lexicon more quickly. Regardless, this data boxing proves to be one of the easier fights, every bit long as you're prepared for Zexion'southward progression of attacks. While in the Destiny Islands area, close in on Zexion and strike him relentlessly until he forces you into his Lexicon.

While in the Lexicon, lock on to the volume containing Zexion (watch for the book that glows, just does not attack), and use Aeriform Contrivance and Quick Run to avoid attacks from the other books. Strike the volume containing Zexion relentlessly until its HP is depleted, then use the <Dispel> reaction command; this will release you from the Lexicon and stagger Zexion, allowing y'all to strike with combos. With his HP at 50%, Sora will be forced into the Lexicon in one case more; this time, he will be trasported into a dark room with three circles. Stand in the center of the room and keep your center on the blue circumvolve. When the blue circle glows with a white border, use Quick Run to rush into it before the barrier solidifies; this will allow y'all to strike the Lexicon without being hit with meteors. If yous fail to accomplish the circle, use Reflect magic to minimize damage.

Reward: Lost Illusion


No. VII - Saïx


Saïx'south data boxing is exactly the same every bit the fight with Saïx in The Earth That Never Was, except that Saïx's attacks are more powerful and he goes into Berserk Mode much more oftentimes. When Saïx finishes a combo, he e'er drops a claymore; utilize these weapons past approaching one and activating the <Berserk> - <Eclipse> - <Magna Storm> reaction command combo while shut to Saïx. This will let y'all to damage him and break his berserk mode. Attack relentlessly while Saïx's berserk bar is filling up. If you lot parry Saïx'southward attacks during this phase, you can cause him to drop more than claymores. When he returns to Berserk mode, apply the weapons around the area with the reaction control combo over again.

As Saïx loses HP, his Berserk Mode becomes much faster, covering a larger area in a shorter flow of fourth dimension; employ Glide to avoid damage and continue near thrown claymores.

Reward: Defense Boost


No. 8 - Axel


Axel's data battle is exactly the aforementioned as the fight betwixt Roxas and Axel in the Twilight Town mansion, except that Axel's attacks are more powerful and the floor deals constant damage when on the footing (the floor won't K/O y'all, only leave you with 1 HP). Employ Guard to parry Axel'southward attacks, and then follow up with one or two full combos. When Axel disappears into the flame walls, wait for the right moment to apply the <Overtaker> and <Clear Light> reaction commands; this will prevent the flooring from dissentious y'all and leave Axel open to attacks. Strike Axel relentlessly until he re-generates the flaming floor, then echo the process.

Echo this process until Axel's HP is fully depleted. Ever keep your baby-sit upwards confronting Axel's attacks, and stay abroad from the walls to avoid damage.

REWARD: Magic Heave


No. Nine - Demyx


The data battle against Demyx matches the fight with him in Hollow Bastion during storyline events, except that he's much more powerful and begins the battle with iii challenges. When attempting to clear the challenges, drive into Wisdom Form and use Fire magic to articulate out many of the forms at one time (keep Ethers on-hand as well). After the challenges are cleared, attack Demyx relentlessly; when he closes in to assault, apply Reflect magic to parry and bargain damage.

When most of Demyx's HP is depleted, he will start three more challenges; use Wisdom Form and Burn down magic to clear the challenges, then close in for the concluding blows.

Advantage: AP Boost


No. Ten - Luxord


The data boxing against Luxord matches the fight with him in The World That Never Was during storyline events, except that he'south much more powerful. To win this battle, you lot must deplete Luxord's "time" (HP) earlier your time/HP runs out. Attack Luxord relentlessly with full combos. If cards become a nuisance, <Flip> them to make them disappear. You lot usually have out several cards while attacking Luxord. When he hides among the cards, employ the camera to find his bill of fare; target it and utilise <Flip>, then assail with combos.

When you play his "game," you lot must press the x push when an "O" is in the menu command you lot have selected; you can quickly pause and un-pause during this fourth dimension to aid with your timing. Y'all can attack while in die course with circle and card grade with x, though it'southward ameliorate to go along abroad from Luxord while in these forms to avoid damage.

Reward: AP Boost


No. Eleven - Marluxia


Marluxia's data battle is the same as the absent silhouette fight in Beast'south Castle, except that Marluxia'due south attacks are more powerful and he begins his more powerul attacks earlier in the fight. Utilise Guard to parry Marluxia's scythe attacks. Merely later Marluxia finishes his combo, two Reaction Commands become bachelor for a very brusque period of fourth dimension. Employ <Aerial Strike> when you are almost Marluxia'southward body to deal damage and stagger him, or apply <Restore Counter> to restore a portion of Sora's lost Doom points, and so aim for this command when needed.

Refer to the absent silhouette guide for more information regarding Marluxia's attacks and how to deal with them.

Advantage: Lost Illusion


No. XII - Larxene


Larxene's data battle is the same as the absent silhouette fight in Port Royal, except that Larxene'southward attacks are much more powerful and blindingly fast. Use Aerial Dodge and Glide at the start of the fight (and throughout) to avert impairment from Larxene's lightning attacks. It'south very much worth equipping a Stupor Charm (or Shock Charm +) to help lower thunder impairment. If yous manage to land a combo finisher on both of Larxene's duplicates, you can employ the <Merge> reaction control to forcefulness the copies together, staggering Larxene for a short time and allowing you to deal harm with total ground-to-aeriform combos.

Refer to the absent silhouette guide for more than data regarding Larxene'south attacks and how to bargain with them.

Advantage: Lost Illusion


No. Xiii - Roxas


The data battle against Roxas matches the fight against him in The World That Never Was during storyline events, except that he'south much more powerful and has fewer openings for attacks. Roxas is very quick to attack, and getting hit by one of his combos volition leave you lot taking damage for a while. Using Reverberate magic and the Guard ability to defend against his combos is constructive for some of Roxas's attacks; you may be able to follow up with a full combo afterward Roxas' combo is finished.

Roxas may retaliate with a vertical spinning attack afterward being struck, so contrivance curlicue or dash away to prevent getting hit. When the action goes into deadening-move, expect for the 'The Stop' control (it will exist randomized in your control menu). Printing x on that command to prevent damage and temporarily gain the ability of Roxas' Keyblades (though this causes Roxas to assail more relentlessly). Using evasive manuveurs and parrying Roxas's attacks is the key to victory. When most of Demyx's HP is depleted, he volition outset three more than challenges; use Wisdom Form and Fire magic to clear the challenges, then close in for the final blows.

Advantage: Magic Boost
