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How to Wash Socks During Athlete's Foot

Fungi are present almost everywhere, and they especially like dark, moist and warm places, like the inside of your socks. So, to prevent and remove foot fungus, I am here with viable tips that will help you out to avoid foot fungus.

To remove foot fungus from socks. Soak the socks in warm water (for about 30 minutes) before washing. Then after soaking for a while, wash in hot water twice. A hot dryer can also help to kill germs that cause fungus. Each time you wear socks, the fungus is reintroduced to the feet, so washing regularly is the only way to get rid of foot fungus in socks.

Many people are worried about how to remove foot fungus from socks. First, adopt some precautionary measures and healthy habits. A few natural and home remedies can also come in handy. The best tip is to use protective acts as it's not very hard to keep fungus away from feet.

Here you will find out everything you need to know about fungus on feet. I will tell you from first-hand experience how you can avoid foot fungus, what to do if it develops, what remedies will work, and how to prevent it from reoccurring.

What is foot fungus?

The fungal infection is a common skin problem that usually begins between the toes, and it frequently occurs in people whose feet become more sweaty in tight-fitting shoes or while wearing socks.

The fungus can make your nails look yellow, thick, and cracked, and they might hurt when you try to wear shoes. There is a chance that it might lead to more serious infections. Also, it causes an itchy rash with a painful, flaming sensation that is extremely uncomfortable.

How does the fungus develop?

Have you ever had a foot fungus, and you are wondering how it develops? When your skin is exposed to excessive moisture and warmth (like feet in damp socks or damp shoes), the humid atmosphere and body temperature together encourage the growth of fungus.

Right after you take off your shoes and socks, itching is often the worst part that you can clearly foresee. The infection can affect one or both of your feet. I warn you that if you scratch the infected part of your feet, it can also spread to your hands by creeping under your nails. So, it is better not to touch the infected part.

Woman sitting in chair outside

Precautionary measures and some healthy habits to remove foot fungus

Are you worried about how you can prevent foot fungus? You don't need to worry as here are some of the precautionary measures that I take to prevent my feet from fungus:

  1. Keep your feet dry and clean

When you are at home, let your feet be free by wearing open shoes so that the air is contacting them as much as possible. Wash them with soap every day and afterward dry them off well. Make sure that after your bath or shower, you dry appropriately between your toes so that the water does not remain.

2. Avoid going barefoot

Fungus loves to grow in warm and wet places. So, if you are walking on damp grass, around pools, or anywhere where there can be moisture, make it a habit to wear shoes.

3. Wear good socks

I learned the hard way that the poor material of socks can also cause foot fungus. You should assure before buying socks that they are made of natural material, such as cotton and wool. A synthetic fiber sock is designed in such a way that it can help to drain the moisture away from feet. I highly recommend checking out our article on Moisture Wicking Socks

4. Change socks regularly

Every day put on a clean pair of socks. During a walk or workout, if I feel that my feet are getting sweaty, I change my socks to avoid excess moisture remaining between the toes. So, it is preferable to change your socks twice a day, if needed.

Click here for an article on How to Remove Foot Fungus from Shoes

5. Use light, well-ventilated shoes

When your feet are confined inside tight and hot shoes, it favors the growth of fungus. Make sure that your shoes are not too tight that can cause sweating. I would recommend choosing shoes made of a good and natural material, like leather.

The most important thing is to keep away from the shoes that are made of synthetic material, such as rubber or vinyl.

6. Alternate the pair of your shoes regularly

Don't wear the same pair of shoes on consecutive days. The sweating can increase the risk of fungus. I follow the practice of changing the shoes daily and placing the not-in-use pair out in the open air where they can dry thoroughly after each use.

7. Disinfect your shoes and socks regularly

Wash your all socks regularly in hot water with the good quality detergent to kill any fungi that grow in them. If the problem is severe, spray your shoes with an anti-bacterial spray. The spray is recommended if you have worn the shoes without socks. Because of the sweating, there are greater chances that the fungi can grow inside them.

8. Sprinkle powder on shoes

Use an anti-fungal powder inside your shoes and socks before each use, as it can prevent the growth of fungi. Especially when the weather is hot and your feet tend to sweat more, the anti-fungal powder stops the production of fungi.

9. Powder your foot

Treat your feet by using powder, ideally an anti-fungal powder. On the other hand, some people prefer cornstarch. I personally prefer medicated powder as a good option. After you take a shower, sprinkle the powder on your feet after you let them dry in air.

10. Throw away old shoes and socks

Old shoes are the perfect abode for fungal growth; the same is also true for old socks. If they are not washed properly, then the fungus can easily grow in them. So, if you can afford to spend some money, throw away old socks and use new ones every few months.

11. Don't share your shoes and socks

We know that sharing is caring, but in the case of shoes and socks, it is dangerous. It can increase the risk of spreading a fungal infection. So, it is better to never share your socks and shoes with other people.

12. Check your feet regularly

If you feel itching after taking off the socks, this is a chance to catch the fungus during the early stages. You don't need to worry – just talk to your doctor and pharmacist about what to do, and take the precautionary measures stated above. Don't take it easy – if you don't treat it properly, it can turn into the foot fungus.

Above all, these are some of the preventive actions that you need to do in order to protect yourself from foot fungus that occurs due to socks and shoes. In addition to that, some home remedies could be helpful in killing the fungus.

green leaf with oil

Natural and home remedies for removing foot fungus

Many natural and home remedies can be quite effective in removing the foot fungus. The best part is that some of these remedies are readily available at home. Let us find out which remedy is worth a try in killing the fungus:

  1. Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is known for its natural properties to treat fungus and bacteria. It comes from the leaves of the tea tree and is very effective in killing the fungi. Owing to its anti-fungal property, it is generally used for the treatment of many fungal infections.

To use the tea tree oil: mix it with the warm coconut oil or olive oil. Apply it to your feet 2 times a day for better treatment. I like to mix them because sometimes (if used individually) it causes rashes and irritation on the skin. So, it is fine to add a few drops of other oil.

2. Neem oil

Neem oil and neem leaf extracts both have the magnificent anti-fungal capacity that can help in fighting foot fungus. You could apply neem oil to the affected area directly 2-3 times a day. Massaging it into the skin can be quite helpful for treating fungus infections.

3. Garlic

Garlic is found to be very effective against some fungi and bacteria because of its anti-fungal properties. It certainly has a long history of medicinal use; however, it has a very strong scent. Yet, fresh garlic extract can kill or stop the growth of fungus.

In a tub of warm water, I crush 3-4 cloves of garlic and soak my feet in it for 30 minutes. You can do this twice a day for a couple of weeks.

If you don't want to make an effort of dipping feet in warm water, then just take 3-5 cloves of garlic and crush them. Now rub them over the affected area; try to do this twice a day.

4. Baking soda

Sodium bicarbonate, also known as baking soda, is an item that is readily available at home. It may also be effective to remove the fungus because it has anti-fungal capabilities.

In a large container of hot water, put roughly half a cup of baking soda. Now, soak your feet for about 15-20 minutes. You can do this twice a day and make sure when done, don't rinse your feet with water – just dry them thoroughly with the help of a soft piece of cloth.

5. Sea salt baths

Like other natural remedies, sea salt is known for its anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. I found it to be a great natural treatment for removing fungus as it actually inhibits the growth of fungi.

You can use sea salt by mixing it with other natural treatments, like vinegar – it looks like a paste after mixing. To make it simple, mix some sea salt in warm water and then dip your feet for about twenty minutes. Believe me, it is the most effective way to remove foot fungus. After soaking, remember to air dry your feet.

With the help of these natural treatments, you can totally get rid of fungus from the foot. Other over-the-counter treatments are also helpful and practical.

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Over-the-counter treatments

Powders, sprays, ointments, and lotions are some over-the-counter treatments. In many cases, these treatments respond well and may don't require any other option to kill fungus from your foot.

  1. Talcum powder

Talcum powder, baby powder, and corn starch are used to keep the affected area dry and clean. Thus, they make it difficult for the fungus to thrive, and also keep the moisture under control. Before putting on socks, apply talcum powder on the dried affected area directly.

2. Hydrogen peroxide

On the surface level of the foot, hydrogen peroxide can effectively kill the fungus. You can mix it with iodine – these two work more effectively together than using them separately. In a large bowl, mix hydrogen peroxide and iodine; now, dip the feet directly or use the cotton pad to apply it on the affected area.

You can also pour the hydrogen peroxide directly and do this twice daily until the signs of infection diminish.

3. Rubbing Alcohol

Just like hydrogen peroxide, the rubbing alcohol can also help to kill the fungus. Take about 70% of alcohol and 30% water in a tub. Now, dip your feet in that for about 30 minutes, or you can directly apply on your feet.

4. Vicks VapoRub

It has anti-fungal properties, so it is effective in removing the fungus. Every night before sleeping, rub and massage it onto the feet for at least a month or until the fungus disappears.

Very Important tip

When you are applying treatment, make sure to wash your hands before and after the treatment. It will prevent your foot from developing a bacterial infection. Also, it helps to stop spreading the fungal infection to other parts of the body when scratching or touching the affected area.

If the fungus does not go away by doing the home remedies and using over-the-counter treatments, then make an appointment to see your doctor. You may need a prescription of anti-fungal medicines to get rid of the foot fungus.


  1. Can foot fungus grow through socks?

Answer: Foot fungus can spread through socks if you don't change them regularly and/or don't wash them properly. You can also become infected if you share your socks with someone who already has foot fungus.

2. What is the duration of fungus to live in socks?

Answer: Fungal spores can remain alive in and active in socks for about 12 to 20 months. They can also stay alive in boots and shoes where moisture is easily trapped and can grow easily.

3. What is the appearance of foot fungus?

Answer: It usually looks scaly and may look like a red, raw-appearing eruption with the inflammation that can influence the skin between toes and also the foot. Sometimes the reddish ulcers formed with small the blisters can also indicate the presence of fungus.

4. Does Lysol help to kill foot fungus?

Answer: Foot fungus can be killed by Lysol. Take a newspaper or paper towel and spray it with Lysol; then make a pad and put it in the shoes overnight. It will kill the fungus in shoes. Note, Lysol shout NOT be sprayed directly on your feet.

5. Is any soap effective in killing the fungus?

Answer: An anti-bacterial soap will disinfect your socks and kill the fungus in its early stages. Wash with water and air-dry thoroughly to prevent it from spreading to the other parts of the body.

6. Is sleeping with the socks on foot better for fungus?

Answer: If you have foot fungus, don't cover your feet during sleep. It is better to wear cotton socks (if desired), and change them every day.

7. Which laundry detergent kills fungus from socks?

Answer: Any strong detergent along with hot water is effective in removing the fungus. Lower water temperature and weaker detergents will not kill the fungus, and it can transfer to other fabrics as well.

8. Which is the strongest natural anti-fungal oil?

Answer: Clove oil, oregano oil, and myrrh oil are powerful, natural anti-fungal oils that can help to kill a variety of fungi.

In conclusion, you can remove the foot fungus from the socks through these preventions and treatments. I hope these tips will help you to enjoy your healthy foot without fungus.

How to Wash Socks During Athlete's Foot
