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How to Make Cheese in Doodle God Blitz

Corey Feldman Interview

Celebrity GamerZ - Jay & Silent Bob's Jason Mewes Video Game Interview

Hottest Stuff On CheatCC!

Element combinations

Use the following element combinations to complete the game:

0th Generation


1st Generation

    Alcohol = Fire + Water
    Dust = Air + Earth
    Energy = Air + Fire
    Lava = Fire + Earth
    Steam = Air + Water
    Swamp = Earth + Water
    Total Elements: 10

2nd Generation

    Ash = Fire + Dust
    Life = Swamp + Energy
    Plasma = Fire + Energy
    Stone = Lava + Water
    Storm = Air + Energy
    Vodka = Water + Alcohol
    Total Elements: 16

3rd Generation

    Bacteria = Swamp + Life
    Egg = Life + Stone
    Ghost = Ash + Life
    Metal = Stone + Fire
    Sand = Air + Stone
    Weeds = Water + Life
    Total Elements: 22

4th Generation

    Bird = Air + Egg
    Boiler = Metal + Steam
    Clay = Sand + Swamp
    Dinosaur = Earth + Egg
    Electricity = Energy + Metal
    Glass = Fire + Sand
    Lizard = Egg + Swamp
    Moss = Weeds + Swamp
    Mushroom = Earth + Weed
    Plankton = Water + Bacteria
    Quicksilver = Metal + Water
    Seeds = Life + Sand
    Sulfur = Swamp + Bacteria
    Turtle = Sand + Egg
    Worm = Swamp + Bacteria
    Total Elements: 37

5th Generation

    Beast = Lizard + Earth
    Beetle = Earth + Worm
    Bricks = Clay + Fire
    Butterfly = Air + Worm
    Coffee = Energy + Seeds
    Dragon = Dinosaur + Fire
    Fern = Swamp + Moss
    Golem = Life + Clay
    Grass = Earth + Moss
    Phoenix = Fire + Bird
    Shell = Stone + Plankton
    Snake = Worm + Swamp
    Thunder Bird = Storm + Bird
    Tree = Earth + Seed
    Total Elements: 50

6th Generation

    Coal = Fire + Tree
    Fish = Water + Snake
    Human = Golem + Life
    Human = Beast + Life
    Limestone = Stone + Shell
    Palmtree = Sand + Tree
    Reed = Swamp + Grass
    Scorpion = Sand + Beetle
    Tobacco = Fire + Grass
    Treant = Tree + Life
    Total Elements: 60

7th Generation

    Alcoholic = Alcohol + Human
    Blood = Dinosaur + Human
    Cement = Limestone + Clay
    Ceramics = Human + Clay
    Corpse = Human + Fire
    Corpse = Human + Poison
    Dolphin = Fish + Beast
    Domestic Animal = Beast + Human
    Hut = Human + Stone
    Oil = Coal + Water
    Sex = Human + Human
    Steam-Engine = Coal + Boiler
    Tools = Human + Metal
    Whale = Fish + Plankton
    Wizard = Human + Energy
    Total Elements: 74

8th Generation

    Concrete = Cement + Water
    Demigod = Energy + Wizard
    Field = Tools + Earth
    Meat = Human + Domestic Animal
    Milk = Human + Domestic Animal
    Paper = Tools + Reed
    Poison = Tools + Snake
    Vampire = Blood + Human
    Weapon = Tools + Metal
    Wood = Tree + Tools
    Wool = Human + Domestic Animal
    Zombie = Corpse + Life
    Total Elements: 86

9th Generation

    Boat = Wood + Water
    Cigarette = Tobacco + Paper
    Fabric = Wool + Tools
    Fertilizer = Grass + Domestic Animal
    Ghoul = Zombie + Corpse
    House = Bricks + Concrete
    Hunter = Human + Weapons
    Philosopher's Stone = Demigod + Quicksilver
    Poisoned Weapon = Weapon + Poison
    Werewolf = Beast + Vampire
    Wheat = Seeds + Field
    Wheel = Wood + Tools
    Total Elements: 98

10th Generation

    Assassin = Poisoned Weapon + Human
    Beer = Wheat + Alcohol
    Cart = Wood + Wheel
    Clothes = Human + Fabric
    Feather = Hunter + Bird
    Flour = Wheat + Stone
    Gold = Philosopher's Stone + Metal
    Saltpeter = Limestone + Fertilizer
    Ship = Boat + Wood
    Skyscraper = Glass + House
    Warrior = Hunter + Weapon
    Total Elements: 110

11th Generation

    Book = Paper + Feather
    Car = Cart + Oil
    Chariot = Cart + Beast
    Dough = Water + Flour
    Frigate = Ship + Fabric
    Gunpowder = Saltpeter + Sulfur
    Hero = Warrior + Dragon
    Lightbulb = Void + Glass
    Locomotive = Cart + Steam Engine
    Radio Wave = Void + Electricity
    Steam Ship = Steam Engine + Ship
    Sun = Void + Plasma
    Total Elements: 122

12th Generation

    Airplane = Car + Air
    Bread = Dough + Fire
    Firearm = Gunpowder + Weapon
    Flower = Sun + Grass
    Laser = Radio Wave + Fire
    Radiation = Radio Wave + Radio Wave
    TV = Lightbulb + Radio Waves
    Total Elements: 129

13th Generation

    Apple = Tree + Flower
    CD = Laser + Book
    Computer = TV + Book
    Plutonium = Radiation + Metal
    Rocket = Void + Airplane
    Sunflower = Sun + Flower
    Total Elements: 135

14th Generation

    Cellphone = Computer + Radio Wave
    Cyborg = Human + Computer
    Internet = Computer + Computer
    Nuclear Weapon = Plutonium + Weapon
    Satellite = Rocket + Void
    Total Elements: 140

Chapter 3

    Religion = Human + Commandments
    Law = Human + Religion
    Sin = Human + Religion
    Fun = Human + Sex
    Knowledge = Human + Book
    Scientist = Human + Knowledge
    Cat = Beast + House
    Dog = Beast + House
    Octopus = Knowledge + Fish
    Medicine = Bacteria + Knowledge
    Mechanism = Tools + Law
    Antibiotics = Bacteria + Medicine
    Money = Paper + Gold
    Work = Human + Money
    Games = Law + Fun (Note: Also unlocks "Extras" section)
    Pirate = Ship + Alcoholic
    Rum = Pirate + Vodka
    Tavern = House + Alcoholic
    Astronaut = Human + Rocket
    Soldier = Firearm + Warrior
    Policeman = Law + Soldier
    Alien = Void + Life
    Ant = Work + Beetle
    Death Metal = Electricity + Corpse
    Typewriter = Mechanism + Book
    Journalist = Human + Typewriter
    B-52 = Coffee + Vodka
    Sugar = Reed + Field
    Cookies = Bread + Sugar
    Pie = Apple + Dough
    Virus = Human + Bacteria
    Hacker = Computer + Virus
    UFO = Alien + Rocket
    Bank = Money + Skyscraper
    Caviar = Fish + Eggs
    Music = Human + Reed
    Sea = Water + Water
    Rock N' Roll = Music + Alcohol
    Salt = Sun + Sea
    Russian Roulette = Vodka + Firearm
    Debt = Bank + Money
    Molotov Cocktail = Vodka + Fire
    Credit Card = Money + Debt
    Rat = Medicine + Beast
    Hangover = Vodka + Beer
    Tequila = Alcohol + Worm
    Ice = Water + Glass
    Ice Cream = Ice + Milk
    Absinthe = Alcohol + Grass
    Censored = Pie + Sex
    White Russian = Vodka + Milk
    Freezer = Mechanism + Ice
    Clock = Sand + Glass
    Cheese = Milk + Bacteria
    Total Elements: 196

Easter Eggs (Chapter 3)

    Religion = Apple + Cellphone
    Money Money Money = Money + Money

All combinations

The following is a list of all combinations in the game:

    Absinthe = Spirit + Grass
    Adamantite = Drow + Metal
    Airplane = Car + Air
    Alcoholic = Beer + Human
    Alcoholic = Spirit + Human
    Alcoholic = Vodka + Human
    Alien, Alien = Astronaut + Alien
    Alien = Void + Life
    Angel = Light + Life
    Ant = Work + Beetle
    Antibiotics = Bacteria + Medicine
    Apple = Flower + Tree
    Arable = Earth + Tools
    Armor = Human + Metal
    Ash, Ghost = Fire + Treant
    Ash, Phoenix = Fire + Phoenix
    Ash = Book + Fire
    Ash = Fire + Corpse
    Ash = Fire + Dust
    Ash = Fire + Lizard
    Ash = Fire + Tobacco
    Ash = Fire + Worm
    Ash = Moss + Fire
    Ash = Paper + Fire
    Ash = Snake + Fire
    Ash = Sun + Vampire
    Ash = Vampire + Light
    Ash = Vampire + Silver
    Assassin = Poisoned Weapon + Human
    Astral = Chaos + Void
    Astronaut = Rocket + Human
    Axe, Hammer = Dwarf + Weapon
    B52 = Coffee + Vodka
    Bacteria = Swamp + Life
    Bank = Money + House
    Bank = Money + Mechanism
    Bank = Money + Skyscraper
    Bard = Human + Music
    Bard = Music + Magic
    Beast = Earth + Lizard
    Beer = Philosophers Stone + Water
    Beer = Spirit + Bread
    Beer = Spirit + Wheat
    Beetle = Earth + Worm
    Bird = Air + Egg
    Bird = Air + Lizard
    Blood = Dwarf + Duergar
    Blood = Elf + Drow
    Boat = Wood + Water
    Boiler = Metal + Steam
    Book = Paper + Feather
    Bow = Weapon + Elf
    Bread = Dough + Fire
    Bricks = Clay + Fire
    Butterfly = Air + Worm
    Car = Oil + Cart
    Cart = Wood + Wheel
    Castle = House + Armor
    Cat, Dog = Beast + House
    Caviar = Egg + Fish
    Cd = Laser + Book
    Cellphone = Computer + Radiowave
    Cement = Clay + Limestone
    Censored, Censored = Censored + Censored
    Censored = Sex + Book
    Censored = Sex + Censored
    Censored = Sex + Pie
    Censored = Sex + Sex
    Censored = Sex + Vodka
    Censored = Snake + Airplane
    Censored = Weeds + Paper
    Ceramics = Clay + Human
    Chaos, Order = Life + Void
    Cheese = Milk + Bacteria
    Cigarette = Paper + Tobacco
    Claws = Weapon + Beast
    Clay = Swamp + Sand
    Clock = Sand + Glass
    Clothing = Fabric + Human
    Coal, Ash, Ash = Tree + Fire
    Coal, Ash = Wood + Fire
    Coffee = Seeds + Energy
    Computer = Tv + Book
    Concrete = Water + Cement
    Cone Of Cold = Spell + Ice
    Cookies = Bread + Sugar
    Corpse, Assassin = Assassin + Human
    Corpse, Blood, Assassin = Assassin + Warrior
    Corpse, Corpse, Alcoholic = Alcoholic + Car
    Corpse, Warrior, Blood = Warrior + Human
    Corpse = Debt + Firearm
    Corpse = Fire + Human
    Corpse = Human + Poison
    Corpse = Philosophers Stone + Zombie
    Corpse = Zombie + Priest
    Credit Card = Debt + Money
    Cyborg = Human + Computer
    Darkness, Light = Magic + Void
    Death Metal = Corpse + Electricity
    Death = Energy + Darkness
    Debt = Bank + Money
    Demigod, Flower = Nuclear Bomb + Demigod
    Demigod = Philosophers Stone + Human
    Demigod = Wizard + Energy
    Demon, Corpse = Demon + Warrior
    Demon, Corpse = Demon + Wizard
    Demon, Ghost = Human + Demon
    Demon = Darkness + Beast
    Dinosaur, Blood = Dinosaur + Human
    Dinosaur, Blood = Dinosaur + Hunter
    Dinosaur = Earth + Egg
    Dolphin = Fish + Beast
    Dough = Water + Flour
    Dragon, Ash = Dragon + Human
    Dragon, Ash = Dragon + Hunter
    Dragon = Air + Dinosaur
    Dragon = Fire + Dinosaur
    Dragon = Magic + Egg
    Dragon = Philosophers Stone + Egg
    Drow = Elf + Darkness
    Drow = Elf + Underground
    Druid = Tree + Human
    Duergar = Dwarf + Darkness
    Dust = Air + Earth
    Dwarf = Human + Earth
    Dwarf = Human + Stone
    Egg, Bird, Bird = Bird + Bird
    Egg, Dinosaur, Dinosaur = Dinosaur + Dinosaur
    Egg, Lizard, Lizard = Lizard + Lizard
    Egg, Snake, Snake = Snake + Snake
    Egg, Turtle, Turtle = Turtle + Turtle
    Egg = Life + Stone
    Electricity = Metal + Energy
    Elf = Human + Magic
    Energy = Air + Fire
    Energy = Fire + Spirit
    Energy = Oil + Fire
    Energy = Philosophers Stone + Ghost
    Fabric = Tools + Wool
    Feather, Meat, Blood = Bird + Hunter
    Fern = Swamp + Moss
    Fire, Stone, Stone = Stone + Stone
    Firearm = Weapon + Gunpowder
    Fireball = Spell + Fire
    Fish = Bacteria + Plankton
    Fish = Water + Snake
    Flour = Stone + Wheat
    Flower = Philosophers Stone + Grass
    Flower = Sun + Grass
    Freezer = Ice + Mechanism
    Fun = Human + Games
    Fun = Human + Music
    Fun = Human + Sex
    Games = Law + Fun
    Ghost = Life + Ash
    Ghoul = Zombie + Corpse
    Glass = Fire + Sand
    Gold, Gold, Gold = Apple + Cellphone
    Gold = Metal + Philosophers Stone
    Golem = Clay + Life
    Grass = Earth + Moss
    Gunpowder = Saltpetre + Sulfur
    Hacker = Computer + Virus
    Half-Elf = Human + Elf
    Hangover = Alcoholic + Money
    Hangover = Pirate + Money
    Hangover = Vodka + Beer
    Healing = Priest + Prayer
    Hero, Blood = Warrior + Dragon
    House = Bricks + Concrete
    Human, Wizard = Wizard + Corpse
    Human = Life + Beast
    Human = Life + Golem
    Human = Philosophers Stone + Alcoholic
    Human = Philosophers Stone + Corpse
    Human = Philosophers Stone + Vampire
    Human = Philosophers Stone + Werewolf
    Hunter = Human + Weapon
    Hut = Stone + Human
    Ice Cream = Ice + Cookies
    Ice Cream = Ice + Milk
    Ice = Freezer + Water
    Ice = Glass + Water
    Illithid = Astral + Death
    Illusion = Spell + Air
    Internet = Computer + Computer
    Journalist = Human + Typewriter
    Knowledge = Book + Human
    Knowledge = Scientist + Money
    Laser = Radiowave + Fire
    Lava = Earth + Fire
    Law, Sin = Religion + Human
    Life = Swamp + Energy
    Lightbulb = Void + Glass
    Limestone = Shells + Stone
    Livestock = Human + Beast
    Lizard = Swamp + Egg
    Lizard = Worm + Snake
    Locomotive = Steam-Engine + Cart
    Mace = Weapon + Priest
    Mechanism = Tools + Law
    Medicine = Bacteria + Knowledge
    Medicine = Virus + Knowledge
    Metal = Fire + Stone
    Milk, Manure = Livestock + Grass
    Mithril = Elf + Metal
    Modron = Life + Mechanism
    Molotov Cocktail = Fire + Vodka
    Money, Money, Money = Money + Money
    Money = Paper + Gold
    Moss = Swamp + Weeds
    Mushroom = Earth + Weeds
    Music = Human + Reed
    Necromancer = Zombie + Wizard
    Nuclear Bomb = Plutonium + Weapon
    Octopus = Knowledge + Fish
    Oil = Water + Coal
    Orc, Goblin = Swamp + Human
    Paladin, Blood = Demon + Paladin
    Paladin, Corpse, Ghost = Ghoul + Paladin
    Paladin = Priest + Warrior
    Palm = Sand + Tree
    Paper = Tools + Reed
    Philosophers Stone = Demigod + Quicksilver
    Phoenix = Fire + Bird
    Pie = Apple + Dough
    Pirate = Ship + Alcoholic
    Plankton = Bacteria + Water
    Plasma = Fire + Energy
    Plutonium = Radiation + Metal
    Poison = Tools + Mushroom
    Poison = Tools + Scorpion
    Poison = Tools + Snake
    Poisoned Weapon = Weapon + Poison
    Policeman = Soldier + Law
    Potion = Water + Magic
    Prayer = Priest + Magic
    Priest, Corpse, Ghost = Ghoul + Priest
    Priest = Magic + Religion
    Priest = Wizard + Religion
    Quicksilver = Metal + Water
    Radiation = Radiowave + Radiowave
    Radiowave = Void + Electricity
    Rat = Medicine + Beast
    Reed = Swamp + Grass
    Religion = Apple + Cellphone
    Religion = Commandments + Human
    Resurrection = Healing + Death
    Rock-N-Roll = Sex + Music
    Rock-N-Roll = Spirit + Music
    Rock-N-Roll = Vodka + Music
    Rocket = Void + Airplane
    Rogue = Law + Assassin
    Rum = Pirate + Spirit
    Rum = Pirate + Vodka
    Russian Roulette = Firearm + Vodka
    Sailing Ship = Ship + Fabric
    Salt = Sea + Fire
    Salt = Sea + Sun
    Saltpetre = Limestone + Manure
    Sand = Air + Stone
    Sand = Water + Stone
    Satellite = Void + Rocket
    Scientist = Human + Knowledge
    Scorpion = Beetle + Sand
    Scroll = Paper + Magic
    Sea = Water + Water
    Seeds = Flower + Flower
    Seeds = Grass + Grass
    Seeds = Life + Sand
    Seeds = Tree + Tree
    Sex = Human + Human
    Shadow = Light + Darkness
    Shells = Stone + Plankton
    Ship = Wood + Boat
    Silver = Astral + Metal
    Sin = Sex + Money
    Skyscraper = House + Glass
    Snake = Sand + Worm
    Snake = Swamp + Worm
    Snow = Ice + Air
    Soldier = Firearm + Warrior
    Spell = Magic + Knowledge
    Spellbook = Spell + Book
    Spirit = Water + Fire
    Steak = Meat + Fire
    Steam-Engine = Boiler + Coal
    Steam = Water + Air
    Steamship = Ship + Steam-Engine
    Stone, Steam = Water + Lava
    Stone = Air + Lava
    Storm = Air + Energy
    Sugar = Reed + Arable
    Sun = Plasma + Void
    Sunflower = Flower + Sun
    Swamp = Water + Earth
    Sword, Crossbow = Weapon + Human
    Sword = Weapon + Blood
    Tavern = House + Alcoholic
    Tavern = House + Beer
    Tavern = House + Spirit
    Tavern = House + Vodka
    Tavern = Hut + Alcoholic
    Tavern = Hut + Beer
    Tavern = Hut + Spirit
    Tavern = Hut + Vodka
    Team = Beast + Cart
    Team = Livestock + Cart
    Teleport = Spell + Astral
    Tequila = Worm + Spirit
    Tequila = Worm + Vodka
    Thunderbird = Storm + Bird
    Tobacco = Fire + Grass
    Tools = Metal + Human
    Tower = House + Wizard
    Treant = Tree + Life
    Tree = Earth + Seeds
    Tree = Philosophers Stone + Wood
    Turtle = Sand + Egg
    Tv = Radiowave + Lightbulb
    Typewriter = Mechanism + Book
    UFO = Alien + Rocket
    Underground = Earth + Darkness
    Unicorn = Beast + Magic
    Vampire, Vampire = Vampire + Human
    Vampire = Blood + Human
    Virus = Bacteria + Human
    Virus = Hacker + Internet
    Vodka = Water + Spirit
    Wand = Weapon + Magic
    Wand = Weapon + Wizard
    Warrior, Blood = Warrior + Beast
    Warrior, Blood = Warrior + Dinosaur
    Warrior = Weapon + Hunter
    Water = Philosophers Stone + Poison
    Weapon = Tools + Metal
    Weeds = Water + Life
    Werewolf = Vampire + Beast
    Whale = Beast + Water
    Whale = Plankton + Fish
    Wheat = Arable + Grass
    Wheat = Seeds + Arable
    Wheel = Wood + Tools
    White Russian = Vodka + Milk
    Wizard = Energy + Human
    Wood = Tree + Tools
    Wool, Meat, Blood = Beast + Hunter
    Wool, Meat, Milk = Livestock + Human
    Work = Human + Money
    Worm, Sulfur = Bacteria + Swamp
    Worm, Wizard = Wizard + Warrior
    Worm = Earth + Plankton
    Zombie, Ghoul = Necromancer + Corpse
    Zombie = Life + Corpse

Easy "Creator Of Humanity" achievement

Combine Golem + Life.

Easy "Creator Of Life" achievement

Combine Swamp + Energy.

Easy "Deity Of Darkness" achievement

Beginning in Episode 4, combine the following elements:

    Life + Void.
    Magic + Void.
    Darkness + Beast
    Darkness + Earth.
    Darkness + Energy.
    Darkness + Light.

Easy "God Of Fun" achievement

Combine Law + Fun.

Easiest "Greatest Inventor" achievement

Use the following combinations:

    Bacteria + Medicine = Antibiotics
    Cart + Mechanism = Car
    Food + Freezer = Frozen Food
    Games + Knowledge = Crossword
    Air + Earth = Dust
    Limestone + Oil = Crayons
    Human + Knowledge = Lie Detector
    Human + Money = Shopping
    Human + Void = Astronauts
    Food + Time = Fast Food
    Knowledge + Time = Theory of Relativity
    Air + Fabric = Zeppelin
    Paper + Phone = Fax Machine
    Shopping + Cart = Shopping Cart
    Order + Work = Assembly Line
    Void + Electricity = Radiowave
    Radiowave + Phone = Cellphone
    Shopping + Money = Barcode
    Puzzle + Game = Copyright
    Debt + Money = Credit Card
    Fun + Game = Yoyo
    Game + Money = Monopoly
    Neon + Electricity = Neon Lamp
    Void + Dust = Vacuum Cleaner
    Energy + Grass = Tea
    Energy + Fire = Plasma
    Magic + Order = Software
    Void + Plasma = Sun
    Energy + Sun = Solar Cell
    Tea + Paper = Tea Bag
    Car + Air + Airplane
    Airplane + Earth = Black Box
    Firearm + Magic = AK-47
    Sun + Glass = Sunglasses
    Human + Fabric = Clothing
    Woman + Clothing = Bra
    Airplane + Void = Rocket
    Radiowave + Music = FM Radio
    Work + Mechanism = Robot
    Robot + Void = Satellite
    Satellite + Radiowave = GPS
    Satellite + Satellite = Space Station
    Fire + Radiowave = Laser
    Radiowave + Airplane = Radar
    Mechanism + Money = ATM
    Plutonium + Energy = Nuclear Power Plant
    Mechanism + Time = Clock
    Mechanism + Life = Artificial Heart
    Mechanism + Photo = Polaroid
    Mechanism + Fire = Jet Engine
    Mechanism + Air = Helicopter
    Mechanism + Clothing = Zipper
    Car + Money = Parking Meter
    Rocket + Weapon = Missile
    Paper + Knowledge = Book
    Photo + Life = 3D Holography
    Electricity + Bread = Toaster
    Satellite + Space Station = Modular Space Station
    Plasma + TV = Plasma TV
    Glass + Void = Light Bulb
    Fabric + Glue = Band Aid
    Fabric + Oil = Cellophane
    Paper + Water = Liquid Paper
    Clothing + Water = Washing Machine
    Rpcket + Water = Sea Launch
    Glue + Magic = Super Glue
    Cellophane + Music = Audio Cassette
    Cellophane + Glue = Duct Tape
    Metal + Clothing = Armor
    Car + Armor = Tank
    Missile + Weapon = Bazooka
    Electricity + Knowledge = Semi-conduction
    Food + Life = Vitamin
    Clothes + Sun = Bikini
    Knowledge + Life = DNA
    Knowledge + Void = Big Bang Theory
    DNA + Knowledge = DNA Fingerprinting
    Radiowave + Knowledge = Radio Telescope
    Metal + Knowledge = Stainless Steel
    Paper + Photo = Photocopier
    Neon Lamp + Clock = Digital Clock
    Light Bulb + Semi-conductor = Vacuum Tube
    Semi-conductor + Electricity = Transistor
    Plutonium + Plutonium = Nuclear Bomb
    Audio Cassette + Software = Floppy Disk
    Fabric + Armor = Kevlar
    Food + Fun = Bubble Gum
    Floppy Disk + Laser = CD
    CD + CD = DVD
    Car + Order = Traffic Light
    Car + Electricity = Hybrid Vehicle
    Car + Void = Moon Lander
    Armor + Poison = Gas Mask
    Radiowave + Food = Microwave Oven
    Book + Software = Hypertext
    Software + Transistor + First Computer
    First Computer + Photo = Digital Photography
    First Computer + Games = Video Game
    First Computer + Video Game = Computer Mouse
    Digital Photography + Life = Digital Camera
    First Computer + First Computer = Internet
    Internet + Digital Camera = Webcam
    Life + Video Games = Virtual Reality
    Internet + Hypertext = WWW
    Transistor + Transistor = Microchip
    Microchip + Microchip = Micro-Processor
    First Computer + Micro Processor = Personal Computer
    Personal Computer + Software = MS-DOS
    MS-DOS + Magic = Windows
    Music + Microchip = MP3 Player
    Microchip + Book = Flash Memory
    Cellphone + Personal Computer = Smartphone
    Flash Memory + Software = Memory Card
    Personal Computer + Order = USB
    Air + Freezer = Air Conditioner
    Gas Mask + Water = Aqualung
    Music + Music = Stereo
    Music + Games = Karaoke

Easy "Half The Kingdom" achievement

Use the following combinations:

    Magic + Book = Spellbook
    Human + Magic = Elf
    Dwarf + Axe = Warrior
    Dragon + Warrior = Steak
    Rogue + Dragon = Ash
    Warrior + Priest = Paladin
    Human + Spellbook = Wizard
    Paladin + Wizard = Party
    King + Party = Quest
    Quest + Dragon = Mountain
    Dragon + Mountain = Lair
    Dragon + Party = Dead Dragon
    Lair + Rogue = Secret Door
    Warrior + Wizard = Adventurers
    Dead Dragon + Party = Key
    Key + Secret Door = Trap
    Rogue + Trap = Maze
    Maze + Party = Experience; Gold; Princess

Easy "Heavenly Virtues" achievement

Use the following combinations:

    Human + Order = Discipline
    Death + Life = Resurrection
    Human + Human = Birth; Love
    Human + Work = Diligence
    Human + Religion = Faith
    Scientist + Sex = Continence
    Priest + Sex = Chastity
    Sex + Work = Sublimation
    Fun + Human = Cheerfulness
    Fun + Money = Donation
    Discipline + Vodka = Abstention
    Light + Sin = Virtue
    Donation + Money = Charity
    Money + Human = Gift
    Cellphone + Gift = Free Apps
    Human + Charity = Generosity
    Religion + Meat = Fasting
    Human + Virtue = Assistance ; Tolerance
    Virtue + Faith = Hope
    Faith + Human = Salvation
    Pride + Virtue = Modesty
    Virtue + Wrath = Humility
    Cellphone + Free Apps = Altruism
    Fun + Virtue = Joy
    Virtue + Energy = Calmness
    Water + Bread = Diet
    Diet + Grass = Vegetarianism

Easy "Honorable Santa" achievement

Use the following combinations:

    Fire + Void = Sun
    Fire + Water = Alcohol
    Water + Alcohol = Vodka
    Fire + Sand = Glass
    Magic + Glass = Magic Ball
    Sun + Glass = Sunglasses
    Water + Metal = Quicksilver
    Magic + Quicksilver = Philosopher's Stone
    Metal + Philosopher's Stone = Gold
    Death + Human = Zombie
    Death + Religion = Sacrifice
    Alcohol + Grass = Absinthe
    Alcohol + Wheat = Beer
    Alcohol + Worm = Tequila
    Human + Tree = Wood
    Human + Zombie = Brain
    Human + Wheat = Bread
    Music + Wood = Guitar
    Metal + Human = Weapon
    Human + Weapon = Assassin
    Void + Weapon = Death Star
    Assassin + Water = Pirate
    Pirate + Alcohol = Rum
    Assassin + Chaos = Joker

Easy "Master Of Alchemy" achievement

Beginning in Act 2, combine the following elements with the Philosophers Stone:


Easy "Practice Makes Perfect" achievement

Create the first combination, Fire + Earth, three times.

Easy "Salvation" achievement

Use the following combinations:

    Human + Island = Beach; Cliffs; Forest
    Human + Sea = Water
    Human + Beach = Oysters; Palm Tree; Sand
    Human + Cliffs = Cave + Stone
    Human + Forest = Bushes; Game; Tree
    Human + Bushes = Berries; Leaves
    Human + Palm Tree = Coconut; Liana
    Human + Tree = Leaves; Stick
    Stone + Stone = Spark
    Leaves + Spark = Bonfire
    Stick + Stone = Hammer
    Stick + Leaves = Shelter

After getting the map, continue with these combinations:

    Hammer + Stone = Flintstone
    Stick + Flintstone = Axe
    Axe + Tree = Wood
    Wood + Bonfire = Ash; Coal; Bonfire
    Axe + Stick = Spear
    Spear + Game = Carcass
    Carcass + Axe = Meat; Skin
    Meat + Bonfire = Steak

After getting the knife, continue with these combinations:

    Carcass + Knife = Meat; Sinew; Skin
    Liana + Liana = Rope
    Wood + Rope = Raft
    Raft + Sea = Storm
    Rope + Stick = Bow; Fishing Rod
    Sea + Fishing Rod = Fish
    Knife + Fish = Bones; Meat
    Human + Skin = Clothes
    Human + Map = Hidden Treasure
    Rope + Bones = Needle and Thread
    Needle and thread + Skin = Canvas
    Canvas + Stick = Sail
    Raft + Sail = Sailing Raft
    Sailing Raft + Sea = Calm
    Rope + Forest = Snare
    Bonfire + Leaves = Smoke
    Meat + Sun = Jerky
    Sand + Water = Clay
    Clay + Bonfire = Pottery
    Clay + Sun = Bricks
    Bricks + Bricks = Wall
    Wall + Shelter = Hut
    Sun + Water = Salt
    Human + Hidden Treasure = Compass; Gold; Spyglass
    Spyglass + Sea = Black Sail; White Sail
    Smoke + Black Sail = Pirates
    Smoke + White Sail = Merchants

Easy "Similar To Similar" achievement

Combine Stone + Stone.

Steam achievements

Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding achievement. To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select "Community", "My profile", "View all my games", then the game and view stats.

    Brilliant Inventor: Episode One passed without hints.
    Creator of Civilization: Episode One passed.
    Creator of Diversity: 10 groups created.
    Creator of Humanity: Human created.
    Creator of Life: Life created.
    Creator of Magic: Episode Four passed.
    Creator of Modernity: Episode Three passed.
    Creator of Technology: Episode Two passed.
    Deity of Darkness: All Bad things created.
    Doodle Bar: Alle drankjes aangemaakt.
    God of Fun: Games created.
    God of Patience: All reactions revealed.
    Good Start: 6 elements created.
    Greatest inventor: Greatest Inventions quest completed.
    Half the Kingdom: Save the Princess quest passed.
    Heavenly Virtues: Sins vs. Virtues quest completed.
    Honorable Santa: Run, Santa, run quest completed.
    Master of Alchemy: All reactions with Philosophers' stone discovered.
    Master of the Worlds: All episodes passed without hints.
    Practice Makes Perfect: Element created 3 or more times.
    Salvation: Survivor quest completed.
    Similar to Similar: Similar elements reacted.

How to Make Cheese in Doodle God Blitz
